Saturday 21 March 2015


Hi everyone! I'm a 15 year-old girl and I created this blog to raise awareness about the many animal petitions that are available for people like us all around the world to sign to help the animal species! For example, I will post links of different petition sites with a short description of them so that you guys are able to be redirected there and sign the petitions, thus helping animals!
Just a brief introduction, many elephants, lions, tigers and other animals are being captured and used in circuses for humans' entertainment, like e.g. SeaWorld! These animals are then forced to live in torture, and in living conditions where they can never be able to adapt well to! Imagine putting a polar bear in a zoo with only 3 feet of water, how can the polar bear ever survive? This HAS happened before, and I hope this will stop and never happen AGAIN in the future. You can say I am an animal rights activist. I don't really donate online because I can't (if i asked my parents they'd say it's a waste of money or they are all cheats) but I do donate to animal organizations physically when there is a donation drive going on in the neighborhood or when I go to the pet shop to get my cats' stuff and I do donate to the animals (SPCA) whenever I can with whatever I have!
To me, animals' lives are equally as important as human lives, and any other living things, and I feel very strongly for them. My heart literally aches a lot whenever I, sadly, chance upon videos or photos of animals being tortured, killed or abused. Animal abuse MUST stop, and you can make a difference.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, everyone CAN come together, sign petitions, and help put an end to animal cruelty.
And with this I end my introduction of my blog. (:

- J

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