Friday 12 June 2015

Four; Shark Finning.

Hi guys, I'm back on a new post (duh)
Okay so our world's sharks' population have been plummeting and it's of course mainly due to humans! [ Side Note : visit ]
This is so because humans have been capturing these poor sharks just to get their fins, and once their fins are cut off, they would be thrown back into the ocean/sea, left to die. Fins are extremely important to all fish, and once they lose their fins, it would cause them to not be able to navigate their way around or even swim properly in the water and they would then sink to the bottom of the water where they'll die. Every year, there would be at an estimated amount of 100 to 200 million sharks being killed just for their fins alone! This is an extremely alarming number as we do not have many sharks left. Why are people killing sharks JUST FOR THEIR FINS? This is an extremely cruel act and is being carried out all around the world. These shark fins, made into a "delicacy" don't even add any flavor, just texture,  to shark fin soup. Is this really necessary? Of course it isn't. Put an end to shark finning now, and sign petitions to get countries to stop legalizing shark finning! WE DO NOT HAVE MANY SHARKS LEFT. Do you want to wait till the day where there's only ONE shark left, before you want to protect it? What are you waiting for? Sign petitions to ban and make shark finning illegal now! Visit these websites to know more and help prevent more sharks from being finned!



Please do support and save our sharks. They're very beautiful creatures who have, very sadly, become humans' prey. They need our help, and if you sign these petitions or donate to any foundation to save these beautiful animals, you can make a difference in the world and save the population of sharks. You can make a difference. Start signing now!


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